You Do Not Deserve to Be Married

The Independent Single Woman

The Independent Single Woman: Self-Satisfaction

I Am Not Beautiful So What?

Men Play Dating Games Too

I Have Got Him Now How Do I Keep Him

Prying Open That Clammy Guy

Comely Chicks and Homely Hunks

A Simpler Guide to Single Men

I have definitely experienced 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 first hand in fact i think 5 and 6 were the same person and so were 2 and 4. Anyway i think i have finally met 7 but it’s too early to tell. We have only been on one date but i knew for a fact he was a great catch and we will just have to wait see where it goes!


hmm my ex was the jock, lunatic, loser, and jerk all in one amazingly horrendous package.  Consolidation sucks ass.

I’m with number 7 now though so it’s all fine and dandy wink

Yep - I’ve dated all of these, except you also forgot “The Man-Whore” and “Mr. I Hung The Moon” (I married that one).  Still waiting to meet #7…

Dated all and the man-whore, the deceiever, the douchebag, the a-hole, the narcissist, the older man, the younger man, the artistic, the sensitive, the workaholic, the drama king and any combination, multi-combination of any of these BUT the keeper!

P.S. I agree the crying doesn’t make someone a lunatic.

My boyfriend says he hates dogs but when he sees them he pets them and is friendly to them. He even says we can have a dog when we buy a house and have a yard. It would just have to be an outside dog. That guy Greg just sounds like mean person in general.

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